(VIDEO) Border guards’ mortar crews are destructing fortified enemy positions near Bakhmut

11 of August 2023 09:01

The SBGSU units, as part of the overall Defense Forces of Ukraine, are intensifying their artillery fire on the positions of russian-occupier troops.

Recently, an aerial reconnaissance unit of the SBGSU identified the enemy's stronghold's location. The enemy constructed their stronghold within the forested area near the occupied settlement in the direction of Bakhmut.

Наші оператори БПЛА виявили розташування бліндажів з особовим складом загарбників й скорегували вогонь мінометного розрахунку. Вогневим нальотом частину фортифікаційних споруд зруйновано, а окупантів надійно поховано під товщею української землі.

Our UAV operators located a dugout containing enemy personnel and provided guidance for the mortar crew to target their fire accurately. The mortar attack destroyed the fortifications and resulted in the casualties of the occupiers.

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